Terms And Conditions

Equity Media Ltd


The Terms and conditions listed below must be accepted in return for receiving product information, prices, services and any other information about our company.

By uploading files, you are taking full responsibility regarding ownership and usage. By uploading artwork you are confirming you are the intellectual owner or you have permission or the file is permitted to be reproduced in the form of your request. You take full responsibility for the files you upload and Equity Media Ltd will not be responsible for any claims with regard to infringement.


No liability is accepted for third party websites linked to or from or accessible through www.equitymedia.co.uk nor do we approve or endorse the contents of any such sites.

The entire contents of www.equitymedia.co.uk are copyright with all rights reserved and remain our property under all circumstances.

In the event of a dispute arising from the use or contents of www.equitymedia.co.uk we Equity Media Ltd. and you the user, agree to accept the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales .

Information supplied in our web pages has been prepared with great care and is accurate to the best of our knowledge, this information being honest, of decent nature and legal from the date of creation. You agree that information or material accessed or downloaded through our web pages for personal or private use is done so entirely at your own risk and that you accept full responsibility for any damage to hardware or software or data loss even if we are aware of the possibilities of such damage.

Information supplied on our web pages is for guidance only and does not in any part form a contract and may be subject to change without notice. Great effort is made to ensure we provide accurate and current information on our web pages. We are not liable for any incidental, consequential, cumulative, direct or indirect loses or damages from the use or misuse or inability to use, including omissions and misrepresentations and any errors on our web pages.

You may download or print selections of our web site if the purpose is only used for your personal information and not for reproduction. Except where stated. The text, graphics and information of the web site are the copyright of Equity Media Ltd. Copying and storage of this web site or any contents of it for permanent use or incorporation and reproduction whether for new media, digital or hardcopy use is strictly prohibited.

We do not accept property damage liability caused by the incorrect use or incorrect fitting of our products once they have been returned to you. If our products are used for any other purpose other than stated on our website it is entirely at your own risk.

We reserve the right to use images of goods manufactured by Equity Media Ltd. for advertising and promotional information, if you do not agree to this you MUST make us aware at the point of order in writing.


Images supplied to us for re-production must be owned by you, the customer. In the event of a dispute arising due to ownership of any image or detail, hard copy or digital if provided by you, then you will be entirely liable. This is applicable to all images, artwork, text and details sent to us by post, email, fax, uploaded, emailed, inserted into our design online or delivered by hand. If you are not the owner, creator or originator of the file(s) or detail provided, it is your responsibility to obtain the legal rights for the re-production by Equity Media Ltd for the purpose of use.

By uploading files, you are taking full responsibility regarding ownership and usage. By uploading artwork you are confirming you are the intellectual owner or you have permission or the file is permitted to be reproduced in the form of your request. You take full responsibility for the files you upload and Equity Media Ltd will not be responsible for any claims with regard to infringement.


In general we ask for full payment of the fabrication costs of your advertising boards at the point of order. We will issue a proof of your board design after the order has been placed and artwork or instructions have been submitted by you. We do not cut any materials until you, the customer are happy with the proof.

Payment can be made via bank transfer, debit/credit card or cash.

All goods remain the property of Equity Media Ltd. until paid for in full.


As every item is customised, no items supplied by us will qualify for return. In the event of a problem with the goods we will endeavor to solve the problem by the most efficient solution to both parties. Transportation costs cannot be refunded.


At Equity Media, we believe that our customers have a right to be heard, understood and respected.

We also believe that our staff have the right to work in a safe environment, free from any abuse, bad language or harm caused by others.

We expect all customers to treat our staff with courtesy and respect at all times.

In a small number of cases the actions of some customers may become unacceptable because they involve abuse of our staff and/or our processes.

We do not view an action as unacceptable, just because a person is forceful or determined. However, we do consider actions that result in unreasonable demands and/or abusive behaviour or language to be unacceptable.

Where a customer is aggressive or abusive, we may decide to:

Advise the customer that we consider their actions offensive, unnecessary and unhelpful and ask them to stop.

End telephone calls / appointments / meetings.

Terminate all contact with the customer and refuse to do future business with them.

Notify the police, this will always be the case if physical violence is used or threatened.


Once you order products from us for the purpose of advertising, we assume responsibility for the transportation, fitting, insurance, maintenance and continuous display of your advertising boards throughout the duration of your contract with us. Our standard contract length is 12 months. If after this time you wish to continue advertising with us, your services may be continued and shall remain in accordance with the terms and conditions of your original contract. After your original contract has expired, we may contact you to suggest that your board should be replaced at your expense. This will be decided on a case by case basis subject to the condition of your board(s). If your board(s) are in generally good condition it will not be necessary to replace them.


Equity Media Ltd cannot offer any insurance against late delivery of your boards by the fabricator. Most consignments do get delivered on time, however if there is a rare occurrence where items get misrouted or are delivered late for whatever reason, you will not be charged your monthly subscription amount for any time your board is not displayed.


At Equity Media Ltd. We understand customer satisfaction is paramount – following the guidelines below, we can ensure you get the quality you desire and keep the turnaround time to a minimum. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


If your requirements consist of simple text and shapes and logos, we can do the artwork for you. If we do this, we will email you a proof for your approval, once you are happy with the design – we’ll process your order. Please provide all sizes, colours, fonts and any information that will assist us with the design. Any logos or images will print far better if they are provided at 150dpi or greater.


You can design your own artwork online using our exclusive online board designer. This will generate the finished file at the desired resolution, please make sure you check all spellings and detail as we can’t be responsible for any errors when using this facility. Any images or logos can only be printed to the resolution of the file you insert, so please ensure it is high resolution (150dpi or more) if in doubt, ask us to check prior to ordering.


Always send your artwork in the correct aspect ratio, i.e. if it’s a 4ft x 8ft banner then the length of the design / artwork should always be twice the height. Colour mode should always be CMYK. See colours paragraph below.


We don’t require any crop marks or bleed for any signage printed, simply design you artwork to the edge.


Image quality diminishes when increasing in size. For every 100% increase in size the resolution is reduced by half i.e. If artwork is provided at 300dpi for a 4ft x 2ft board, and the finished size is 8ft x 4ft (four times the artwork size) the resolution will be 75dpi. The finished resolution for boards should always be 150dpi if viewed from 2m or 75dpi as a minimum if viewed from a distance of 5m or greater.


The Pantone Matching System (P.M.S.) provides a reference colour to target, although not all P.M.S. colours are 100% reproducible using CMYK print process. All colour specifications will be matched to the closest 4 or 6 colour process. Orders received without colour specifications will be produced using the CMYK values contained in the digital file. CMYK can’t print fluorescent or metallic colours. Please note CMYK colours will vary from one printer to another.


Image requirements for website use are generally low-resolution and contain less colours than that used for digital print. When scaled, these images will pixilate and be faint in colour strength. Internet images are also likely to be subject to copyright and therefore you will need permission to use them. By sending us any images or logos you are taking full responsibility for any legal or copyright infringement so please confirm that you are allowed to use them by the image owner. See legal paragraph below.


Sometimes clipart is created in vector / line drawing, in this case it can be used, however if created in bitmap the resolution will be too poor for print.


We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms And Conditions at any time without notice.

Contact us to discuss your advertising needs

A conversation costs nothing!